This is a support site for Real Estate Agents and my goal is to make the content useful to veteran and new Real Estate Agents. Please feel free to post your comments and ask questions. You are also welcome to email me or IM me with coaching inquiries, setting up a referral agreement for your clients moving to South Florida , setting up a speaking engagement or consulting inquiry in getting online with your own website and other online marketing for Real Estate Agents.
Friday, July 27, 2007
What Are You Doing About This Market?
With all the gloom and doom new you are hearing on the news and reading in the newspapers what are you doing to deal with it all? Are you adding to the fuel by complaining about how bad it is? Remember, what you focus on expands! Are you agreeing with the papers and the news? Are you telling everyone you meet how bad your business is right now?
Nestor, my husband and my broker was working out at LA fitness this morning. As he was walking out the door he ran into an aquaintance of ours. She asked him how Real Estate is doing and how is his business doing and he says, " Business is good!" Well, she just about fell over on to the floor! She was so surprised by his answer. She said that everyone she has talked to has told her that real estate is terrible right now. All the agents she knows are getting second jobs or quitting the business.
You know by reading my blog that I believe that you attract to your life what you are talking, thinking and feeling about. If you listen and buy into this negative press and gloom and doom about the real estate market than you are going to create that in your life and in your business.
We have to stay away from all that negative stuff and people. Feel that you are successful, feel that you have clients and get to work on getting some leads. Be proactive in your actions. Don't be reactive.
This is just a normal real estate market. Buyers still need to buy and sellers still need to sell!
Leave your comments on how you are handling your real estate business now.
Friday, July 13, 2007
Active Rain Is a Great Real Estate Agent Tool
You can find great local Florida real estate information on Nestor and Katerina Gasset is a proud member of the ActiveRain Real Estate Network, a free online community to help real estate professionals grow their business.
Monday, July 9, 2007
Secrets Of A Successful Real Estate Agent
Coaching For Real Estate Agents
Secrets Of A Successful Real Estate Agent
Do you consider yourself a highly successful Real Estate Agent? Why or why not?
Are you trading time for money? Are you going from deal to deal just surviving and spending hours looking for your next buyer or seller?
The big secret of successful agents is that they have stopped trading time for money the way most agents continue to do.
If you are burning the candle at both ends, working 7 days a week, evenings and weekends, missing out on your children’s lives, not being home for dinner and being too tired to wash your face before you drop in your bed for 4 hours of sleep each night than you do not have a business, you have a JOB!
As long as you work like that there is ceiling placed on your head and you can not break through that ceiling. There is a limit to how much money you can ever make.
You either work so many hours to make the money you want to make but have no life or you don’t work all those hours and therefore you have a life but no money! Many Real Estate agents kill themselves slowly by working 80+ hour work weeks for very little compensation. They barely make enough money to survive.
According to the NAR, 80% of new agents never make it through five years. Too many agents discover that they are putting in way to much time to justify their pay.
If you keep doing what you are doing you will keep getting what you are getting.
Albert Einstein said that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result!
All top agents who are successful and own their own business instead of their business owning them have learned how to leverage their time by automating as much as is possible, taking advantage of technology and delegating tasks that can be delegated.
This is how I describe a successful career as a Real Estate Agent:
- You are respected by your clients and they value what you bring to the table
- You work a normal work week or less with plenty of time off to be with your kids, husband, wife, significant other and friends. You have time to pursue other interests.
- You have a healthy stream of clients who are seeking you out without you having to do any cold calling.
- You are set in your fee that you charge and your clients do not question your fee.
Stay tunes as we begin to explore this subject and in my next post I will tell you our story about how we reached that critical point in our Real Estate Business and what we did to turn it around.
E-mail me at Katerinag(at) for coaching and consulting information for Real Estate Agents. I am a Realtor and a Business, Career, Health and Personal Coach, Real Estate Business Consultant, trainer and speaker. Yours In Real Estate, Katerina
Coaching For Real Estate Agents
Saturday, July 7, 2007
Vision Boards To Apply The Law Of Attraction
Coaching For Real Estate Agents
Do you have a vision board?
Is it prominently placed in your office where you can focus on it? And do you have one in a private place in your home like your bedroom or bathroom? For Real Estate Agents this can be a very powerful tool to help you reach your goals in business and in life.
In the hit DVD The Secret, John Assaraf tells a remarkable story of his dream board.
He lives and teaches the science behind the law of attraction and taking inspired actions towards one’s goals.
John started making his dream boards. He made several of them. They included all types of goals and dreams from a watch he wanted, vacations he wanted to go on, to this photo of a mansion in
You can get these boards very inexpensively at office supply stores like Office Depot.
He would look at his vision boards each day, close his eyes and visualize having all the dreams and goals on his vision board.
Then over the next few years he moved five times. Through all the moves he kept many things in storage and that included his vision boards.
His last move was to
When he unpacked all their belongings he rediscovered his vision boards. As he looked at each of the boards he came across the one with the photo of the mansion on it.
Tears came to his eyes as he realized that he was living in this exact house, not one like it, but this exact house! This was totally amazing to him.
That is when he truly understood the power of the Law Of Attraction.
If you are a broker you can have a sales meeting and encourage your agents to create their individual vision boards. Create some type of contest or incentive for the agents that follow through and post them at their desks.
When I consult small businesses I train them to have all their staff build their own vision boards at an end of the year party. Also, when I coach self employed people like attorneys and Real Estate Agents I have them and all their assistants do the same thing.
You could even have your sellers make a small one about their home selling, photos of where they are moving, a sold sign in front of their house when you take the listing; use your imagination on how you can set the intention of their home selling.
I have 2 vision boards that I use. I have one in my office and one in my bedroom.
I use my vision boards to help me visualize my dreams and goals.
Tell me about your stories with your vision boards in a comment below. It is easy to post comments on my blog and I welcome your input and comments.
You can also email me at Katerinag(at) for coaching and consulting information for Real Estate Agents. I am a Realtor and a Business, Career, Health and Personal Coach, Real Estate Business Consultant, trainer and speaker. Yours In Real Estate, Katerina
Coaching For Real Estate Agents