Wednesday, March 28, 2007

What is the Media printing about commissions in your Area?

Palm Beach Post 3/23/07 printed an article on the front page titled,
" Realtors' 6% cut continues dip, but big prices lift pay."
I sent a letter to the editor and posted comments on their blog,"The Real Deal".
We must be careful not to violate anti trust laws regarding commissions.
We can speak out against untruths about our industry and commissions.

I have not had a problem with negotiating my real estate fee. I know what I am worth, I know what I offer as service to my clients and I also know that if I accept a lower fee than what I am worth there has not been a fair exchange and that leads to ill feelings and disrespect. If I can not stick to my terms negotiating with my seller how am I going to be able to be a strong negotiator for him/her once an offer comes in?

The point in the Palm Beach Florida Post was totally one sided. Not once was it noted that Real Estate Agents expenses go up so they are not really making more money when they lower their fee even if the prices of the houses are higher as stated in the article. Not once did it state how low the average Real Estate Agents yearly income really is.

Most Real Estate Agents that I know work more than 60 hours per week and almost always work on weekends. They go above and beyond the call of duty providing service to their customers. Being a Real Estate Agent is an honorable profession and agents need to stand up and really tell the community what all is entailed in their day to day business. If you average out your gross income minus your expenses and then divided by the hours you work you will see what your average hourly wage is. Then go tell what that is to the Palm Beach Post.

There is this negative stigma attached to being paid a commission. Like 'commission' is a dirty word! Well, let's see; we pay all the advertising on behalf of our customers upfront irregardless of whether the property is sold or not, we drive prospective buyers around whether or not they buy a property and much more. Do we get reimbursed if the property does not sell? NO!
We get paid a commission because we worked for it just like those who get a salary work for it.

Real Estate Agents also pump alot of money back into the economy directly and indirectly through buying and driving cars, advertising, placing ads in all mediums, through recommending mortgage brokers, painters, plumbers, builders, repairmen, lawn services, cleaning services, title companies, attorneys, appraisers, Air conditioning companies, Staging consultants, Insurance agents, surveyors and the list goes on!

Please post your comments on my blog regarding this post. I would love to hear from you.
You can also email me at for coaching and consulting information for Real Estate Agents. I am a Realtor and a Business, Career, Health and Personal Coach, Real Estate Business Consultant, trainer and speaker. Yours In Real Estate, Katerina

1 comment:

Brian Lee said...

Hi Katerina,

You're right on target. There seems to be a (false) perception in the media that all realtors are wealthy and that the wealth comes with little work. They also try to portray earning commissions as somehow being immoral.

As you mentioned, the average pay for a realtor is actually quite low in relation to the amount of work involved. The writers who pen these articles have obviously not done their homework. They are merely repeating commonly held perceptions without bothering to check the facts for themselves.

Yes, you CAN make a nice living as a realtor if you have pushed yourself and achieved excellence through hard work and experience. The same can be said for someone who aspires to be a top writer as well. It can achieved by always doing diligent research on your subject, and accurately presenting the story instead of repeating fallacies.