You know the money is in the listing. When you go on listing appointments are you prepared? And I don’t mean getting your comps put together and making sure your lap top is charged up! Are you ready mentally for your listing appointments?
Is your mind clear or are you thinking about all the pressing items of the day?
Is your mind open or closed?
Is your frame of mind in the place of peace or chaos?
Have you mastered the art of asking?
Have you released your fears?
Are you able to stay in control or do you react?
Are you objective or defensive?
Are you in the moment or are you being tossed around emotionally?
Are you multi tasking on your appointments?
Are you using both of your ears to listen and closing your mouth when asking?
When you ask questions and your prospect is giving you an answer; are you listening to the answer or are you preparing your response to what your prospect is stating?
Do you practice visualization techniques?
Do you have a clear outcome in your mind?
Are you able to walk away from a listing appointment based on your value?
These questions are important for you to answer before you even go on your next listing appointment. Everything starts with your thoughts. Those thoughts become your feelings and your feelings become your actions. So the state of your mind is the most important part of obtaining and selling desirable listings; ones in which all parties to the contract are pleased and the desired outcome is manifested for the good of all.
We will focus today on clearing your mind. This process of clearing your mind of all the mind chatter is an ongoing battle for most of us. I have so much mind clatter sometimes I just want to scream ‘Shut Up’ to my mind! This is so important for real estate agents because we have so much on our plate at the same time.
The best way to do this is through meditation. Another important tip is to be prepared and not rush around before you reach your listing appointment.
What I have found to work the best is a technique I learned from a real estate seminar I went to back in 1995. Make sure to always arrive early to your listing appointment. Make sure you have plenty of time in case you get lost or something happens that you are not expecting like having to take that one client emergency call right before your appointment time. Park down the street from your listing appointment. If you meet your prospects at your office then make sure you go out to a quiet place like your car.
Then close your eyes and take 10 good deep breathes. After you are feeling calm and clear visualize your appointment in as much detail as you can. In your mind go through your greeting the prospect, asking the right questions and taking the steps towards closing the listing. Imagine how they are just going to want you to be their real estate agent, how they are happy to pay your fee without any resentment or objection. See yourself handling any objections in a professional manner.
Try it! It works!
You can email me at for coaching and consulting information for Real Estate Agents. I am a Realtor and a Business, Career, Health and Personal Coach, Real Estate Business Consultant, trainer and speaker. Yours In Real Estate, Katerina
This is a support site for Real Estate Agents and my goal is to make the content useful to veteran and new Real Estate Agents. Please feel free to post your comments and ask questions. You are also welcome to email me or IM me with coaching inquiries, setting up a referral agreement for your clients moving to South Florida , setting up a speaking engagement or consulting inquiry in getting online with your own website and other online marketing for Real Estate Agents.
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