Thursday, May 10, 2007

Coaching For Real Estate Agents- The Secret Law of Attraction

Coaching For Real Estate Agents

The Secret from A Real Estate Agent

I first heard about the movie, ‘The Secret’ from a Real Estate Agent colleague.

When the market was turning down here most Real Estate Agents were complaining about how bad things had become. I was at an event where one of the Real Estate Agents said she was so busy that she was referring her business out! That was unheard of at this time!

I asked her what was the secret to her success and she said she was not sure. She said that the only thing that really stood out in her mind was that she had been watching a movie called, ‘The Secret’ a few months back prior to all of her success and living the movie’s principles. She said it had changed her life.

As soon as I got home I told my husband about what she had said. We went online to google the movie and found the home page and ordered the DVD of the movie straight away.

We bought ‘The Secret’ in November of 2006 and it truly has changed our lives too.

In my coaching for Real Estate Agents, I ask each one of my clients to watch this movie.

If you have done so; please do! It might just change your life too!

Now, what happens after you watch the movie? If you have already watched the movie you know what I am talking about. And if you have already watched the movie read on further in this post.

I just came across a website that contains complete audios and transcripts of special interviews after The Secret was produced with all the teachers that were presented in the movie. I bought the package and it is more than I ever expected. These men and women are so knowledgeable in regards to the law of attraction. I downloaded all the audios and burned them on cds that I play in my car when I am driving around town or traveling.

So are you prepared to slide into The Secret's rabbit hole ?

(Just in case you have not seen ‘What the Bleep Do We Know?’; another great way to understand The Law Of Attraction and The Secret.)

Anyways, the program that I found is:

The Masters of The Secret Audio / Transcript Platinum package.

Not only will this multimedia resource help you dive DEEP into the principles behind "The Secret"... it will also reveal why they might not be working for you the way you had hoped.

"The Secret" seems to be all over the media these days... they're talking about the movie, they're talking about the book, they're interviewing the featured teachers on major talk shows...

And it's pretty cool that the Law of Attraction is making that kind of splash finally, and reaching people who would have never otherwise had the chance to experience these amazing results that some of us have had.

But then, a lot of us are asking...

"What's next?"

"Where do we go from here?"

"Why do I STILL not have what I want?"

Well, it's not your fault. The format of the documentaries, and even more so the talk shows, don't allow any of the mentors and guests enough time to really make it clear what needs to be done.

They're looking for sound bites. They're looking for flash and glitz. But the Universe doesn't pay attention to that.

So if you're ready to go beyond the glamour and discover what you really need to succeed go to this page immediately:

The founders of this site are dedicated to searching, sorting, and selecting the success and manifestation mentors who can give you DEEP insight about the mind, real-world success principles, and the mysteries of manifestation.

Today, they're celebrating their grand-opening day and they're practically bribing you - with amazing no-fluff bonus gifts - to access the recorded conversations they've compiled.

They want you to open your eyes to the truth and have you ready to embrace the next part of your inner-world journey.

I highly endorse this package and practically command you to go to the link below now.

You'll be glad you did.

You can email me at for coaching and consulting information for Real Estate Agents. I am a Realtor and a Business, Career, Health and Personal Coach, Real Estate Business Consultant, trainer and speaker. Yours In Real Estate, Katerina

Coaching For Real Estate Agents

You can also email me at for coaching and consulting information for Real Estate Agents. I am a Realtor and a Business, Career, Health and Personal Coach, Real Estate Business Consultant, trainer and speaker. Yours In Real Estate,

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