Wednesday, June 27, 2007

The Secret On Squidoo, Coaching For Real Estate Agents

Coaching For Real Estate Agents

The Secret On Squidoo!

My coaching is based on applying the law of attraction into your business as a Real Estate agent.

I use many of the principle you will find in the hit DVD movie, The Secret.

What you think about you bring about.

What you focus on expands.

In this market of real estate right now you must be focused on the outcome you wish to receive in order to survive.

You also have to distance yourself from all the naysayers, dreamstealers and the negative Nellies that are very abundant right now because they are not making any money in this market.

I started a great Squidoo lens for you at:

Here is a lot of information about applying the law of attraction in your life which includes your business. Go back often to see new content as I update the lens.

If you go to your toolbar in your Internet Explorer 7. you can click on the orange square which is called an RSS feed. This way you can know whenever a new post is placed on my blog or new content is placed on my lens. This saves you time because you won’t have to keep coming back to check for new content.

There is also a Free Talking E-Book that you can get from my Squidoo lens with interviews in audio and pdf formats from the Teachers of the Secret.

This is a great book for you to listen and to read through. I listen to it over and over again so that I can internalize the information and apply it into my life and business.

When the market gets like this agents will either sink or swim.

Many agents are leaving the market to get other jobs and changing careers.

It is your choice whether you sink or swim.

The press is not giving us any slack either. Every morning people are waking up to headlines and news stories about how bad the market it, the prices are dropping, sellers are not budging, buyers are fence sitting , yada, yada! The press is not your friend right now!

Figure out a way to put a spin on all of this bad press.

In my market the truth is that homes are still selling, people are still buying and loans are still closing. Those are facts.

Perhaps for you all you need is that gentle push that a business coach can offer you to help you through this uncertain market.

Please email me if you are interested in finding out if coaching is right for you.

You can also email me at Katerinag(at) for coaching and consulting information for Real Estate Agents. I am a Realtor and a Business, Career, Health and Personal Coach, Real Estate Business Consultant, trainer and speaker. Yours In Real Estate, Katerina

Please replace the (at) with the at sign, @. That is done above just so I do not get so much spam. Thanks.

Coaching For Real Estate Agents

1 comment:

Samel said...

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