Monday, April 9, 2007

Coaching For Real Estate Agents- Your Pay Check

Coaching For Real Estate Agents

Now that we have touched on the core keys that will help you increase your worth and value as a Real Estate Agent let’s move on to the topic of how you develop your Real Estate fee.

Let’s first recap on what we have learned so far.

  1. Make sure you work on yourself more than your business.
  2. Make sure you visualize the outcome you want to achieve.
  3. Make sure that you stick to your perceived value.
  4. Make sure you learn to ask the right questions.
  5. Make sure you are in the right frame of mind.
  6. Make sure you have established respect.

Of course in the course of being a Real Estate agent there is a lot more to this than what we have covered. My goal for this blog is to bring you good content that you can use each day in your business as a Real Estate agent and in your personal life. If there is a topic you would like me to address please email me or place a comment and I will do what I can to get the answer for you.

I am an active Real Estate agent and I have a lot of friends who are Real Estate agents and I work with them often. So I know from being in the field what things come up. One thing that is recurring over and over again is how hard Real Estate agents work and how little they are valued by the public. I know that NAR ® has a public awareness campaign going on to change the perceived public opinion of Real Estate agents. But that is going to take time and patience.

I like to work from the inner of our selves to the outer. In order to feel that you will get the real estate fee you are asking for; you must believe that you are worthy of it and that you deserve it from within, not paying attention to what anyone else perceives your value to be as a Real Estate agent.

I have a policy that the lowest fee I will accept is 6%. I know I have paid my dues, I have been in this business for over 25 years and I know what I am doing. I have confidence in my abilities to market my listings and negotiate contracts. When I go on a listing appointment or even get listings over the phone I have no wishy- washy type feelings regarding my worth and what I will work for. The other thing I take a lot of pride in is my fellow colleagues. I do not want to hurt someone else’s income by lowering mine. It is a universal thing, like Karma. I am ethical and run a principal based business.

When you are ready to walk away from a listing, the seller feels this is a serious business for you and he/she will feel your confidence and knowing that they always feel that you are worth what you are charging. There are many times where I have not even been asked how much I charge. When you give value that is over and above the client’s expectations than there is no question of how much you are going to charge. If your job is to make money for your client, than you deserve to have a percentage of the pie!

For Further Information regarding this topic:

You can email me at for coaching and consulting information for Real Estate Agents. I am a Realtor and a Business, Career, Health and Personal Coach, Real Estate Business Consultant, trainer and speaker. Yours In Real Estate, Katerina

For Real Estate Agents

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