Monday, May 28, 2007

Coaching For Real Estate Agents- Marketing with Post Cards

Coaching For Real Estate Agents

Marketing with Post Cards

If you have a web site, and hopefully you do; drive people to your web site with your Post Card Campaign.

Make sure you have a reason for sending the prospect that receives your post card to your web site.

Always use a tag line with a benefit to encourage prospects to visit you on the web.

With so many web sites out there especially in Real Estate markets; why would a prospect sit down at his or her computer and actually type in your web site address into the address bar?

Give them something to go to your web site for! And I don’t mean to search the MLS or to look at your listings!

They can do that on anyone’s site these days.

Think of things that your prospect is looking for or a need that is not being filled when they go to other Real Estate Agents’ sites. If you get stuck; ask your prospects.

Take a survey of your prospects. Ask them what they would like to see on your web site. What can you provide them with they are not yet getting?

Create direct response guides for your buyers and sellers.

Like: “12 Ways to Improve Your Curb Appeal”.

Send out a postcard to your data base or farm telling them to go to your web site to pick up their own copy of the direct response piece you are doing like the example above.

Post cards work great as direct mail pieces. We use them all the time in our Real Estate business.

Remember to have a call to action on your post card. Always put value on your offer. Make your offer something your prospect really wants and knows he/she needs and is ready to act on it. The more value you place on your offer the better response rate you are going to get.

Testimonials are also great to use on your post cards.

Word of Caution: Do not use the Free Consultation line. Everyone in the U.S. knows that they can get a Free Consultation with any Real Estate Agent. That is worn out, old and should not get recycled.

We ran a post card campaign with a great offer and to go to our website to get it; we had an overwhelming successful response of visitors to our web site. In fact, from one mailing we received 112 unique visitors with 112 separate IP addresses. When we looked at our web stats we saw the direct correlation of when our data base received the post card and the dates of their visits to our web site. It works! Do it!

Submit your ideas here of what Post Card ideas you get great results with. Tell us what you have tried; what works and does not work in your market. It is great to learn from each other. Pay it forward!

You can also email me at for coaching and consulting information for Real Estate Agents. I am a Realtor and a Business, Career, Health and Personal Coach, Real Estate Business Consultant, trainer and speaker. Yours In Real Estate, Katerina

Friday, May 25, 2007

5 Best Marketing Ideas For Real Estate Agents

Coaching For Real Estate Agents

5 Best Marketing Ideas For Real Estate Agents
That get results and save you money!

  1. Slash your costs of newspaper advertising.

Most buyers start their search on the internet. This is where you need to redirect your marketing dollars. You will get more bang for your buck.

  1. Hand address your envelopes.

People are much more likely to open your mail if you hand address the envelope.

It is a nice touch. People feel special that you took the time to hand write their name and address.

  1. Use E-Mail instead of paying for postage to send out your listing fliers.

E-Mail is free and you save the postage which can get quite expensive.

Convert your fliers to PDF format so everyone can open them.

  1. Use your own Web Site to promote your listings.

Make sure that your website address in on all your business cards, fliers, brochures and on any ads you are running in any media form.

Drive your prospects to your website. This is the most cost effective marketing that you can do and saves you time and money!

  1. Don’t buy into every lead generation program out there.

Be aware of what your comfort zone is. No matter what someone promises you their program can do, if you are not going to follow through and do it, don’t buy it! That is a complete waste of your money! You get sold on something you are not going to use effectively. I see more Real Estate Agents with tapes and programs and software that sits on the shelf unused. That is good money spent. Really weigh the benefits of each program to and evaluate if you are going to benefit from that particular expense.

If you implement the above 5 items, you will find that you will be more effective, get a better response to your message and save a lot of money.

If you would like to be coached or consulted in this area of marketing please read my profile to see my qualifications in this area. Marketing is my strength in business.

You can email me at for coaching and consulting information for Real Estate Agents. I am a Realtor and a Business, Career, Health and Personal Coach, Real Estate Business Consultant, trainer and speaker. Yours In Real Estate, Katerina

Coaching For Real Estate Agents

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

CBS 60 Minutes Does Not Do Real Estate Agents Justice!

Coaching For Real Estate Agents

60 Minutes Does Not Do Real Estate Agents Justice!

In case you did not get the letter from NAR president, Pat Combs, I have included it here below:

Dear Fellow REALTOR(R):

I am disappointed and dismayed at the biased story that "60
Minutes" aired on Sunday evening. I want to let you know that
we've been working to stay on top of this story.

One of the most difficult challenges we face is educating
the news media about today's real estate industry. There's
no better example than this "60 Minutes" show. For more than a
year, NAR worked with the producers who put the segment
together and offered several spokespersons to be interviewed
for the show, including myself. Yet, NAR's voice was
strangely and noticeably absent from the segment though CBS
gave time to two critics who disagree with our policies on
the display of listings on the Internet.

At times, NAR and REALTORS(R) have often been the subject of
less than accurate news coverage. Your association and its
professional staff is making every effort to get the
REALTOR(R) message out to the news media. The result is that
only a fraction-less than five percent-of the vast news
media we receive is negative.

We encourage all of you to contact CBS:
( )
to voice your concerns -- maybe have some of your satisified
customers do the same.

Thank you for your support.

Pat V. Combs

Please express your opinions to CBS.

Also, if you want to see the replay you can go to CBS and click on 60 minutes and get the full replay.

Defend your livelihood!

Coaching For Real Estate Agents

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Coaching For Real Estate Agents- Florida Real Estate Issues

Coaching For Real Estate Agents

Please contact your legislator today with the following message, adding your personal comments and powerful stories - such as describing the lock-in effect of Save Our Homes or lost homeownership dreams due to high property taxes.

Click the link below to log in and send your message:

Get your voice heard today, time is running out! Get your message in before the June special session begins!

I am back from vacation now. We took a time out for a long weekend. We went up to Orlando and took our 4 year old to Sea World. The weather was wonderful, cool and breezy. There were no crowds so we did not have a problem seeing all the mammals, feeding the dolphins, seals and stingrays. The Shamu show is the best ever; Believe.

Watching the grace and beauty of the Killer Whales and the story the narrator told about living and believing in your dreams touched my heart.

I was on a little vacation yet learning more to improve my coaching. I am able to take what I learn and apply it to my coaching for Real Estate Agents. It always amazes me to be a part of all of life's lessons.

Always remember your dreams and do not ever give up on them.
I am building a website to help you live your dreams and apply the secret to your life.
I will post this when I have it up and running.

Feel free to email me at for information on coaching you to reach your level of success in your Real Estate Career and also in your personal life.

Coaching For Real Estate Agents

Monday, May 14, 2007

Coaching Updates For Real Estate Agents

Coaching For Real Estate Agents

Coaching Updates For Real Estate Agents

I am going to be going on a mini vacation for a few days so I will not be posting on my blog for the time I am away.

I will be starting a Real Estate Blog when I get back for Buyers and Sellers. I will post important information for buyers and sellers in this market. I will be recommending that they do use a Real Estate Agent so you can feel free to have them visit the blog for information.

You can also link to the blog from your web site. I am in Florida and there will be regional information as well as National and International information on the blog. It does not matter where you are living there will be important information for your clients and prospects.

I love doing business by referral. If you know anyone coming down to South Florida and they do not have a Real Estate Agent already we would be happy to service your clients.

Also, our website is packed with special reports that your prospects can download and use to help them with selling and buying.

Our website is:

As soon as my seller/buyer blog is up I will post a link to it for you to see here on this blog for Real Estate Agents.

Feel free to post your comments. I look forward to your feedback.
Thanks for being a part of the Real Estate Community where you help people with the most important buying decision most of them will ever make.

Email me at for information on giving us a referral or coaching information.

Coaching For Real Estate Agents

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Coaching For Real Estate Agents- The Secret Law of Attraction

Coaching For Real Estate Agents

The Secret from A Real Estate Agent

I first heard about the movie, ‘The Secret’ from a Real Estate Agent colleague.

When the market was turning down here most Real Estate Agents were complaining about how bad things had become. I was at an event where one of the Real Estate Agents said she was so busy that she was referring her business out! That was unheard of at this time!

I asked her what was the secret to her success and she said she was not sure. She said that the only thing that really stood out in her mind was that she had been watching a movie called, ‘The Secret’ a few months back prior to all of her success and living the movie’s principles. She said it had changed her life.

As soon as I got home I told my husband about what she had said. We went online to google the movie and found the home page and ordered the DVD of the movie straight away.

We bought ‘The Secret’ in November of 2006 and it truly has changed our lives too.

In my coaching for Real Estate Agents, I ask each one of my clients to watch this movie.

If you have done so; please do! It might just change your life too!

Now, what happens after you watch the movie? If you have already watched the movie you know what I am talking about. And if you have already watched the movie read on further in this post.

I just came across a website that contains complete audios and transcripts of special interviews after The Secret was produced with all the teachers that were presented in the movie. I bought the package and it is more than I ever expected. These men and women are so knowledgeable in regards to the law of attraction. I downloaded all the audios and burned them on cds that I play in my car when I am driving around town or traveling.

So are you prepared to slide into The Secret's rabbit hole ?

(Just in case you have not seen ‘What the Bleep Do We Know?’; another great way to understand The Law Of Attraction and The Secret.)

Anyways, the program that I found is:

The Masters of The Secret Audio / Transcript Platinum package.

Not only will this multimedia resource help you dive DEEP into the principles behind "The Secret"... it will also reveal why they might not be working for you the way you had hoped.

"The Secret" seems to be all over the media these days... they're talking about the movie, they're talking about the book, they're interviewing the featured teachers on major talk shows...

And it's pretty cool that the Law of Attraction is making that kind of splash finally, and reaching people who would have never otherwise had the chance to experience these amazing results that some of us have had.

But then, a lot of us are asking...

"What's next?"

"Where do we go from here?"

"Why do I STILL not have what I want?"

Well, it's not your fault. The format of the documentaries, and even more so the talk shows, don't allow any of the mentors and guests enough time to really make it clear what needs to be done.

They're looking for sound bites. They're looking for flash and glitz. But the Universe doesn't pay attention to that.

So if you're ready to go beyond the glamour and discover what you really need to succeed go to this page immediately:

The founders of this site are dedicated to searching, sorting, and selecting the success and manifestation mentors who can give you DEEP insight about the mind, real-world success principles, and the mysteries of manifestation.

Today, they're celebrating their grand-opening day and they're practically bribing you - with amazing no-fluff bonus gifts - to access the recorded conversations they've compiled.

They want you to open your eyes to the truth and have you ready to embrace the next part of your inner-world journey.

I highly endorse this package and practically command you to go to the link below now.

You'll be glad you did.

You can email me at for coaching and consulting information for Real Estate Agents. I am a Realtor and a Business, Career, Health and Personal Coach, Real Estate Business Consultant, trainer and speaker. Yours In Real Estate, Katerina

Coaching For Real Estate Agents

You can also email me at for coaching and consulting information for Real Estate Agents. I am a Realtor and a Business, Career, Health and Personal Coach, Real Estate Business Consultant, trainer and speaker. Yours In Real Estate,

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Coaching For Real Estate Agents, Blogging

Coaching For Real Estate Agents

I subscribe to an RSS feed that I find very helpful in building your Real Estate Business.

As a Real Estate Agent you really need to have a blog for your clients, your buyers and sellers. Hey! It’s also a great way to share your experiences, rant and rave a bit in good taste of course!

Here is the link to the feed:

Rebloggirl is full of great ideas. She is doing a Real Estate idea for each day of the year in rsspieces blog right now. Head on over there to view some great ideas you can apply to your Real Estate business straight away.

You can get a FREE blog from:

This blogger is run by Google® and is very simple to use. You don’t even need to know HTML to use this blogger.

If you are intimidated to start your Real Estate blog I suggest that you start a personal blog for your friends and family to get used to blogging.

You don’t need to be a famous author or have received A’s in your English class to be able to blog. The beauty of blogging is that it is for real people talking about real things! Just write from your heart; that always works! Write as though you are talking to the reader.

When you write from your heart you can connect with your reader. Remember:

No one cares how much you know until they know how much you care.

Show you care by writing from your heart and what moves you. This is always felt through your writing.

As a Real Estate agent you have a lot to write about from your heart. You can tell wonderful stories of people you have helped get into the house of their dreams and the obstacles they overcame. These types of stories resonate with the reader. Some will relate to the story and you may even develop a relationship with you over the story and end up being one of your clients.

So take an action step this week to get yourself moving along in your Real Estate business by starting your own blog!

E-mail me at for coaching and consulting information for Real Estate Agents. I am a Realtor and a Business, Career, Health and Personal Coach, Real Estate Business Consultant, trainer and speaker. Yours In Real Estate, Katerina

Coaching For Real Estate Agents

Monday, May 7, 2007

For Real Estate Agents, Property Tax Relief

Coaching For Real Estate Agents

Legislature 2007 update for today

The most important thing on our minds right now is still:

Property tax relief.

Save Our Homes portability, rollbacks and other tax reform proposals will meet again for a special session for ten days.

"We're going home to continue to work on it," said House Speaker Marco Rubio
(R-Miami). "We would not call dates (for a special session)...unless we were
confident that we would come up with something that would not just pass but
work. But drafting something to go on the ballot (can't be rushed).''

“30 days to talk the talk
A one-month waiting period leading to a special session of the Florida
Legislature gives Realtors an opportunity to meet their lawmakers locally and
push for substantial property tax relief. It also gives lawmakers time to
consider the focus exclusively on the issue” Florida Association of Realtors® 2007(r)

Special session at a glance:
When: June 12-22

Original House plan: Rollback taxes to 2001 levels; replace property taxes
with a 2.5 percent state sales tax increase (constitutional amendment.
Projected savings: $50 billion over five years.

Original Senate plan: Rollback taxes to 2006 levels; allow for Save Our Homes
portability; $25,000 exemption on intangible property; double the homestead
exemption for first-time buyers. Projected saving: $14 billion.

So again, in case you missed my last two posts; get your voice heard.

To send an email to your legislator go to :
Click on the legislative center.

The special session will take place June 12 – 22nd.

So as you can see they are pretty far apart if you ask me. As I said in my last post I like the house plan. I don’t understand why they can not agree but then again, I am not a politician!

The following information is the results from the last session that is from the Florida Association of Realtors ® website:

Progress report: Realtor issues advanced this session

Property insurance: Legislators made is easier for certain property owners to
obtain insurance from Citizens Property Insurance Corp. and raised the ante
for others. Citizens, the state's insurer of last resort, is now Florida's
largest insurer with 1.3 million policyholders. SB 2498 by South Florida Sen.
Rudy Garcia (R)would allow property owners into the Citizens pool if the only
insurance they could obtain on the private market was 15 percent more
expensive than what they would pay Citizens. The current threshold is 25
percent. The measure would also prevent private insurance companies from
setting off their Florida operations in a separate, Florida-only company
(known as PUP companies), and freeze Citizens rates through 2008; effective
Jan. 1, 2009, Citizens would again be allowed to raise rates. Legislation
passed during the special session on insurance last January freezes rates
through the end of 2008.

Another bill, HB 7057 by Rep. Trey Traviesa (R-Tampa), requires homes valued
at over $750,000 and located in high-risk zones to install opening
effective July 1, 2008, if they seek a building permit for work estimated at
$50,000 or more. By Jan. 1, 2009, all homes valued at over $750,000 in high-
risk zones must be fitted with opening protections to remain eligible for
property insurance coverage through Citizens. The goal is to "harden" homes
insured by Citizens (which all policyholders in Florida support financially),
thereby helping reduce some of the risk in the event of a devastating storm.
The plan also calls for free inspections of 400,000 single-family homes and
provides grants and loan to certain homeowners so they can make improvements
that strengthen their home against storms.

Housing trust funds. More of the money generated by a portion of documentary
stamp taxes for the William E. Sadowski Affordable Housing Trust
Funds will be
allocated to state and local programs. The state budget provides $393.4
million for housing programs- down from $433 million set aside last year but
still $150 million more the cap imposed by the 2005 Legislature. Unfortunately, legislators failed to remove the $243 million cap on
the funds,
a move sought by affordable housing advocates, including FAR, citing a lean budget year.

On a related note, lawmakers approved HB 1375 by Rep. Mike Davis
(R-Naples), a
long-time advocate of full funding of housing trust funds and other statewide
affordable housing programs. Among other things, HB 1375 would require local
governments to adopt by July 1, 2008 a workforce/affordable housing plan into
the local comprehensive plan. Failure to do so would prevent the local
government from receiving state housing grants.

More staff positions at the Division of Real Estate.The state budget also
appropriates money for seven new employees at the Division - four full-time
and three part-time. This should go a long way toward improving services to
Realtors and protecting the public.

Also approved this session:

SB 2234 by Sen. Steve Wise (R-Jacksonville), which requires home inspectors,
mold remediators and mold assessors to be licensed by the Department of
Business and Professional Regulation. Effective July 1, 2010, if
signed by the
-HB 1277 by Rep. Pat Patterson (R-DeLand), which limits the financial penalty
a landlord can collect when a tenant breaks a lease to two months of
rent. The
bill only affects leases of less than a year. Effective immediately if the
governor signs it.
-HB 7163 by Rep. Carlos Lopez-Cantera (R-Miami)which allows real estate
licensees to earn 3hours of CE credit for attending a Florida Real Estate
Commission meeting.Effective immediately if the governor signs it.
-SB 1824 by Sen. Mike Fasano (R-New Port Richey), which places numerous
disclosure and education requirements on mortgage brokers and lenders to help
protect consumers during the mortgage loan application process. More
importantly, the bill includes additional enforcement and investigative tools.

You can also email me at for coaching and consulting information for Real Estate Agents. I am a Realtor and a Business, Career, Health and Personal Coach, Real Estate Business Consultant, trainer and speaker. Yours In Real Estate, Katerina

Coaching For Real Estate Agents

Friday, May 4, 2007

More On Tax Reform For Real Estate Agents

Coaching For Real Estate Agents

Tax Reforms Update for Florida Special Session:

“While I am disappointed the Legislature didn’t finalize the property tax reform during the regular session, the 30 days they will be home before the June Special Session allows us even more time to make our voices heard,” says Florida Association of Realtors® President Nancy Riley. “ It is my hope that a special legislative session devoted entirely to this issue will be able to deliver even more comprehensive tax reform than what could be negotiated in the waning hours of the regular session. The legislature will be able to roll back rates immediately and, if we remain strong, we will get our special election this year for portability and other constitutional issues that must be ratified by the voters.”

This is great advice to get out there and get your voices heard on tax reform. Please email and call your Senators and Congressmen and women and your House Representatives during this next 30 days. Please do not put this off. Write it in your calendar.

The voice of the people must be made known and the only way they will hear us is if we write and call them! It only takes a few minutes. So put it as an appointment in your daily planner to remember to do this straight away.

I think the best reform is to get rid of the property taxes altogether and raise the sales tax by 1%. I think the government should learn to spend money wisely and be accountable to the people for their expenditures. This would save a lot of homeowners from foreclosure and also help new home buyers to be able to afford homes in Florida.

Tell me what you think about this issue. But no matter what you think, make sure your voice is heard.

You can also me at for coaching and consulting information for Real Estate Agents. I am a Realtor and a Business, Career, Health and Personal Coach, Real Estate Business Consultant, trainer and speaker. Yours In Real Estate, Katerina

Coaching for Real Estate Agents

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Coaching For Real Estate Agents, Your Voice does Count!

Coaching For Real Estate Agents

Your voice does count!

Get involved! Get involved with your community and your government.

Real Estate Agents made an impact on bills being passed by the house and senate here in Florida.

Post your comments here about how Real Estate Agents are getting involved in your legislative process where you live.

We are dealing with property taxes in Florida that have gone through the roof. This has created a huge hardship on homeowners and business owners here in the state of Florida.

The House was going to get rid of the property taxes and then raise the sales tax by just a cent or two. Most homeowners supported this bill. Our sales tax is lower than many states and municipalities.

But then the Senate messed it all up and brought back something so convoluted and the legislature could not come to any terms everyone could agree on. Nothing new, in politics! They waste our money arguing over things that make no sense and then they don’t do what the people want!

As a Real Estate Agent, get involved, let your voice be heard. The NAR® is the largest member organization in the country with over 1.3 million members. If we all speak up, our voice will be heard. The NAR and your local state and community boards all work on government issues. A great way to serve is to get on one of these boards, write letters to your Congressman, Senate and House members, most important make sure you get out and VOTE!

There is a property tax crisis in most states of the union. Ask your clients what they want done about it. Sign petitions that you agree with that are going around your area.

Start a petition in your area to reform the property tax issue. Tell your governments to stop wasting our money.

There is a Real Estate agent who just got elected as a counsel woman to a local municipality. This is a great service to her profession as well as to her country and community. It also sets a great example of what you as a Real Estate agent can do to make a difference in the lives of others.

You can email me at for coaching and consulting information for Real Estate Agents. I am a Realtor and a Business, Career, Health and Personal Coach, Real Estate Business Consultant, trainer and speaker. Yours In Real Estate, Katerina

Coaching For Real Estate Agents

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Coaching for Real Estate Agents

Coaching for Real Estate Agents

What is coaching?

Every coach runs their coaching practice according to their beliefs about what is the best way to help facilitate their client.

Coaching is helping another to reach your goals through accountability. There are many different types of coaching available:

  • Career Coaching
  • Corporate Coaching
  • Business Coaching
  • Personal Coaching
  • Life Coaching
  • Relationship Coaching
  • Transitions Coaching
  • Spiritual Coaching
  • Abundance Coaching
  • Health Coaching

This is just a partial list of the different specializations that are out there.

It is said that every successful person has had a coach. You would not go out and play tennis in a competitive environment without a coach. All great athletes are coached. All great speakers are coached. All great successful business executives have been coached.

If an athlete getting ready for the Olympics believes that it is important to have a coach so should every person getting ready to reach the next level of their business success, the next big spiritual journey, the next big change in a career or personal life.

We can not all make the shift on our own. Most people do better when they hold themselves accountable to someone else. This someone else should not be your significant other, a sibling or parent as they can not hold you totally accountable without bias.

Sometimes the people closest to us are the ones who try to protect us and as a result become naysayers and dreamslayers. Most loved ones do not do this intentionally, nevertheless, it is quite damaging to your dreams and visions. When self doubt starts creeping in it is hard to persevere.

Friends and co workers are definitely not in your corner in supporting your dreams and goals because “ birds of a feather flock together” . They want you to stay where they are at!

It is a proven fact that in 5 years from today you will stay the same as you are except for the books you read and the people you meet. Over an average of 5 years your income will rise in direct proportion to those friends you are hanging out with. So if all your friends are making $30,000 a year, chances are, so will you!

In order to fly with the eagles you must change course and change the birds you are hanging out with. This is not to say to abandon all your friends if they are all making less than what your goal is to make. You will see that as you grow, your friends will change.

So it comes down to the best way to move to the next level of whatever part of your life you are wanting to change or improve is to hire a coach to help in that process. A coach will never laugh at your dreams, will never scoff at your goals, and never be afraid of losing a friend because you are their client.

You can also me at for coaching and consulting information for Real Estate Agents. I am a Realtor and a Business, Career, Health and Personal Coach, Real Estate Business Consultant, trainer and speaker. Yours In Real Estate, Katerina

Coaching for Real Estate Agents

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Coaching For Real Estate Agents Tips

Coaching For Real Estate Agents

Where the Jobs Are!

You guessed right if you said, ‘Florida’! According to Business 2.0 Magazine; Orlando, Florida is the hottest job market in the nation! The figures are equal to about 72,00 new jobs.

More cities in Florida were in the top 15 job markets; West Palm Beach, Tampa, Jacksonville and Fort Lauderdale.

We love working our referral business with Real Estate Agents. If you are a Real Estate agent and have clients moving to the great job market here in West Palm Beach, Florida and the surrounding areas we will be happy to work with your clients and find the perfect home for them.

For more information about the job market article you can go to:

Whatever information your clients are looking for to make an informed decision about moving to Florida; we will do our best to get what you and your clients need.

We enjoy building relationships with Real Estate agents around the country and always encourage our clients to allow us to find the perfect Realtor® for them when they move away from our area.

Contact us at my email address below to get a referral relationship going with us.

You can also visit our website at

On our website is a link to this blog and a form for referring.

Our site is packed with lots of good information for buyers and sellers. Our site does contain copyrighted materials so please check with me before you use any of the reports, etc. A great benefit to your clients who are moving here is our MLS search for the entire state of Florida. Our MLS can also be searched in most any language. Just click on the language bar and check out all the languages you can search in.

You can email me at for coaching and consulting information for Real Estate Agents. I am a Realtor and a Business, Career, Health and Personal Coach, Real Estate Business Consultant, trainer and speaker. Yours In Real Estate, Katerina

Coaching For Real Estate Agents