Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Coaching For Real Estate Agents- Florida Real Estate Issues

Coaching For Real Estate Agents

Please contact your legislator today with the following message, adding your personal comments and powerful stories - such as describing the lock-in effect of Save Our Homes or lost homeownership dreams due to high property taxes.

Click the link below to log in and send your message:

Get your voice heard today, time is running out! Get your message in before the June special session begins!

I am back from vacation now. We took a time out for a long weekend. We went up to Orlando and took our 4 year old to Sea World. The weather was wonderful, cool and breezy. There were no crowds so we did not have a problem seeing all the mammals, feeding the dolphins, seals and stingrays. The Shamu show is the best ever; Believe.

Watching the grace and beauty of the Killer Whales and the story the narrator told about living and believing in your dreams touched my heart.

I was on a little vacation yet learning more to improve my coaching. I am able to take what I learn and apply it to my coaching for Real Estate Agents. It always amazes me to be a part of all of life's lessons.

Always remember your dreams and do not ever give up on them.
I am building a website to help you live your dreams and apply the secret to your life.
I will post this when I have it up and running.

Feel free to email me at Katerinag@bellsouth.net for information on coaching you to reach your level of success in your Real Estate Career and also in your personal life.

Coaching For Real Estate Agents

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