Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Be A Servant First, Coaching For Real Estate Agents

Coaching For Real Estate Agents

Be A Servant First

As a Real Estate Agent your objective is to be a servant first. Put the needs of your client first. Let them know by your actions that you are happy to serve them. This is what you get paid to do.

You get paid in direct proportion to how well you serve your clients. Finding out what their needs are and then filling those needs will result in higher pay and more referrals for you.

Zig Ziglar said, “If you help enough people get what they want you will always get what you want.” That is one of my favorite quotes ever. It is reality. It is truth. Apply this to your business and watch your business grow.

When you are focused on the sale, on how much you need the sale, on how you need to pay your bills, how much you ‘need’ this person to list their house with you, and other self thoughts this is projected onto the other person and actually makes them move away from you. I know I wrote about this subject in a previous post but this is so important it bears repeating.

I know from experience so much about this. When I was going through a really ugly divorce Real Estate income was my only source of income and it was tough times because all my focus was on the next court hearing and a mean custody battle over my children. It was really a bad time in my life. But I was also so happy to get out of an abusive and nightmare of a marriage. Still, I had to depend only on me to take care of 5 children physically, emotionally and financially.

When I was working with buyers and sellers inside of my head and heart I was begging for them to buy a house from me or list their house with me. And then I wondered why each deal was a fiasco or the home inspection went bad or the seller and buyer could not come to terms on a price and the deal would die. One thing after another happened that was negative. I did manage to just get by however the results were less than desirable. This is after I had been working in Real Estate for 15 years and I could not understand why this was happening to me. Even on the deals that did close, the sellers and buyers ending up complaining about one thing or another. Not a good way to get referrals and testimonials!

It would take years before I would discover what really happened during that time in my business.

I started dating my present husband and my business started to take off again. I was happy, less stressed and more focused on my clients.

I began to implement Zig Ziglar’s quote again in my business and we started attracting good clients, listings that sold quickly and for top dollar, good buyers who closed on their transactions. We began attracting developers and investors and the luxury home market.

For 15 years I owned and ran Tae Kwon Do schools. In that marketplace you really had to show genuine love and concern for the needs of your students or else they would go elsewhere. We had some of the highest retention rates in the country due to the fact that we put our students before ourselves and we served our students and their parents who were paying their tuition payments.

Real Estate Agents can very well use this principle to multiply their results in their businesses.

In November of 2006; when our Real Estate Market here became quite slow here, I met a a Realtor who happened to have more business than she could handle. She had a great attitude. While Real Estate Agents all around here starting dropping out of the business like flies she was looking for people to refer business to.

I asked her what she was doing that was different. She said the only thing that was different is that she had watched a DVD movie called ‘The Secret’.

Well, of course I went home that day, went online and ordered the DVD of The Secret.

My husband and I watched it each night for 30 nights in a row. Each time we watched we learned something we had not heard the other times. It really has changed our lives…

Stay tuned….

Coaching For Real Estate Agents

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